Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi
- An answer to today's urgent need
Who or what is Ramana? Ramana is the embodiment of Self-knowledge, the epitome of Peace and Love. He is the messenger of Natural Happiness.
To the modern day individual swirled around by the burning winds of hectic ambition and stressful loneliness, Ramana rises as the mighty oasis of absolute freedom and the fullness of Absolute Consciousness. Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, hailed by Carl Jung as the ‘whitest spot on a white space’, is the essence of Indian Heritage encapsulated as a befitting medicine for the malady of the modern man.
To the modern day individual swirled around by the burning winds of hectic ambition and stressful loneliness, Ramana rises as the mighty oasis of absolute freedom and the fullness of Absolute Consciousness. Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, hailed by Carl Jung as the ‘whitest spot on a white space’, is the essence of Indian Heritage encapsulated as a befitting medicine for the malady of the modern man.