Ramana Maharshi Shrine and Meditation Hall on Ramana Maharshi Road is a significant place of peace and joy. It is situated off Ramana Maharshi Road, on 10th Main Road, Sadashivanagar, near Mekhri Circle, opposite to Tripura Vasini Gate of Palace Grounds.
Ramana Maharshi Shrine and Meditation Hall literally pulls people within by its peaceful atmosphere, physically and mentally. The Shrine's physical structure looks like the Arunachala Hill. Bhagavan's vigraha is like the light in the cave, like the spiritual heart in the body. Full of brightness, anytime you look at the vigraha (idol) and the photo, any kind of agitation in the mind stills automatically.


7.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 8.00 p.m.



Of Sri Ramanasramam and Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning on the life and teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi in English, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Hindi are available at this location.

Audio CDs

Ramananjali – compositions by and on Sri Ramana Maharshi in Tamil, Sanskrit, Kannada, Telugu, Hindi, Gujarati, Malayalam and English.


In English, Tamil, Kannada by Sri A.R.Natarajan, Dr.Sarada, Sri Nochur and Swami Brahmananda.

Video DVDs

Tele serial and dance ballets on Sri Ramana’s life and teachings.


Pooja timings (All days)


10.00 a.m. and 7.30 p.m.

Sarva Seva – A special option to offer Puja and all other services at the Meditation Hall and Shrine for a day (including the puja, Veda Parayana, cleaning and maintenance of the garden and any special talk on the day). Choice of date may be made to mark birthdays, anniversaries or any other special event in the family giving details of the seva kartas nakshatra etc. Dates of special events related to Ramana like Ramana Jayanthi or Ramana Aradhana may also be chosen for Sarva Seva.

Pournami day (Every month)


6.45 p.m. to 8.45 p.m.

Bhajans or cultural presentations, Puja, Circumambulation of the Meditation Hall (constructed symbolically like Arunachala) as a symbolic Girivalam, chanting Arunachala Aksharamanamalai

Pournami dates in 2023

January 6th , February 5th , March 7th , April 6th , May 5th , June 4th , July 3rd , August 1st , September 29th , October 28th , November 27th , December 26th

Satsangs at Shrine

Every Sunday 10.45 a.m. to 12.45 p.m.

Chanting and bhajans, Self-enquiry, Talk, Puja (The talk would be by Dr.Sarada, Sri N.Nadakumar, Sri Venkatesh N.Deshpande, Sri Dileep Simha, Sri Venkatesh Murthy and others)