RMCL’s Self-enquiry workshops since 1990
The teachings of Ramana Maharshi are universal in nature and applicable to one and all without any boundaries whatsoever. The teachings fulfill the imminent need of the hour to find one’s moorings and an anchorage in peace in today’s life smitten with anxiety and stress. They transcend barriers of creed, age, gender and all socio-economic differences. As they pertain to the search for and experience of one’s own true nature they do not require any prior qualification or training.
The expertiseAs the teachings of Ramana provide a simple and direct answer to each and all of the problems facing modern man, RMCL has found it to be one of its core duties to facilitate an understanding and experiencing of his path of self-enquiry. With a view to fulfill this purpose the Centre has been conducting multiple workshops every year on self-enquiry from the year 1990. There is no doubt that the workshops are useful to one and all who choose to attend them, yet they are of immense value to those seeking Self-knowledge and wishing to get a greater understanding of Ramana’s path of self-enquiry, the quest ‘Who am I?’